Christian Sottile
International Interior Design Association Georgia Chapter, Best of the Best Forum Design Award, 2015; National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Preservation Honor Award, SCAD Museum of Art, 2014; American Institute of Architects Georgia, Institute Honor Awards for Architecture, 2014; World Architecture Festival, Housing Finalist, 2014; Congress for the New Urbanism, Charter Award, Ellis Square, 2013, SCAD Museum of Art, 2012; Savannah East Riverfront, 2009; Historic Savannah Foundation, Preservation Award, Cay Building, 2013, SCAD Museum of Art, 2012; Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Excellence Award, 2013; AIA National, Emerging Professional, Curated Exhibit, Washington D.C., 2012; International Interior Design Association, Georgia, Best of the Best, SCAD Museum of Art, 2012; Congress for the New Urbanism, Art of the New Urbanism, Curated Exhibition, 2012; National Council of Arts Administrators, Art Leadership Award, 2011; AIA National Honor Award for Urban Design, 2010, 1998; Government Finance Officers of the United States, 2009; AIA Georgia Honor Awards, 2012, 2008, 2005, 1996; Georgia Department of Community Affairs, 2008, 2005; Historic Savannah Foundation, Preservation Awards, 2008, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000; American Planning Association, 2012, 2008, 2005, 2004; Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, 2003; USA Today, Top 100 Academics in the Nation, 1998